Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Stroll with Sasha

Local transportation
Walking the path to the road
"Cafe Restaurant--Lunch Menu"
Looking back at our building

Babushka in the park

Sled hill--you pay to play

Little girl at the end of her run
Sled hill--Crazy people way up on the right
Same sled hill, different angle
Pretty blue church

Crazy dog and pretty blue church
Shadow=Sun!  Yay!

Moscow in the distance
Sasha in the woods


1980 Olympics rowing venue

Used in the winter for ice-driving

Driving Range/Cross country Skiing
Moon over Moscow River

Sasha next to Moscow River

Crazy banya people in the distance
Family feeding ducks

Sasha in the woods

Crazy dog
Grandpa frightening the kids

Crazy soccer people
Sunday stroll
Down the home stretch
Waiting to go in

In the elevator and home again

It was a lovely day for a stroll--about 15 degrees Fahrenheit, but sunny and crisp.  We walked across the street to the "Blue Church Park."  I'm sure it has a real name, but that's what we call it.  It was a winter wonderland.  Families out sledding.  People gathering holy water from the spring.  Old ladies out for a stroll.  Bicyclists--no kidding!  Snowboarders.  A little of everything.  We made our way through the park to the Olympic rowing venue where cars and motorcycles were racing on the ice.  A motorcyclist tried to get from one track to another by cutting through the snow.  His bike stopped and over the front he went.  The snow made for a soft landing, so nothing was hurt but his pride.
Then past the golf driving range that's now a cross-country skiing area.  Down to and along the river for about a mile.  Past the little ski area (two hills) and the crazy banya boys.  Must have just missed the polar bear plunge.  Watched the fishermen  and the family feeding the ducks.  We then cut up the hill along the stream and through the forest.  Watched grandpa have a good time and almost kill the kids on the sled hill.  Went back to the apartment via the soccer field.  I love that it was 15 degrees out and the guys were sliding their way around the pitch.  And then we were done.

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